House renovations: If you have been living in your home for a long time you may want to do some ‘renovations’. Where are you going to begin? Here are some unique ideas that may help get you started. Some are major construction and some are not. However they are all quite different and they will make a world of difference in your home.

Change Your Home with Some Crazy Renovations

  1. Bedroom Balcony – This is a major redo but will make a wonderful change in your home. Give you a chance to really open up and enjoy your bedroom too.
  2. Hidden Room – You can turn a doorway or a wall into an entrance to the other side of that wall or door. You can make it look like a bookcase or a wine rack. A very innovative way to do something drastically different.
  3. Drawers under cabinet areas in a kitchen – Use the baseboard area under cabinets and make drawers out of that space. You will be surprised how much space is down there.
  4. Living Room drop down – Got dead space under your floors? You can drop your entire room down a few feet and make it a sunken area where you can do just about anything. They look incredible and you will get many comments about it from your guests.
  5. Utilize your Stair space – The area underneath the stairs is almost always a dead zone. No one seems to ever use that space. There is a lot of storage there and if they are tall, you can make bookcases or wine storage behind them.
  6. Tall ceilings – In the open areas have you ever thought about putting a hammock up there? (Make certain there is a way to get in and out of it). Talk about a conversation piece…
  7. Storage in the guest room – If you have a guest room think about building up the floor and making it storage underneath. That is room-size useable space.
  8. Access to the outdoors – If you have windows on the patio or in the kitchen that accesses the outside, think about installing accordion windows. It gives you a ton of room and makes for great entertaining guests. Plus it opens previously closed off areas.

These are just a few ideas that can perhaps get you started thinking about doing renovations on your home. If you are creative you can imagine a thousand more. If you aren’t the handyman around a house there are many ideas you can find online. These projects will give your house a brand new look and you will love it.